*************************** Configuration *************************** All the parameters for the analysis of a set of authors (e.g., an Institute) can be maintained in one place with a configuration file. These files are loaded and used as follows:: ini = 'configuration_file.ini' config = Parser(ini) df = pinnacle.inst_adsentries(config) The content of a configuration file has several sections (the name of these sections should not be changed). The first section containts the name for a given ``experiment``. This is used for the creation of data files and plots filenames:: # _____________________________________________________ [experiment] # EXPERIMENT ID # Experiment ID. Useful to compare and save experiments. # A directory will be created with this name under [out]dir_output experiment_ID = IATE_ALL The directories and filenames for data sources and outputs are set in the ``files`` section:: # _____________________________________________________ [files] # DIRECTORIES AND FILE NAMES # directory for data dir_data = ../dat # directory for plots dir_plot = ../plt/iate/ # reload ADS query? qreload = False # overwrite pickle files? clobber = False # maximum number of ADS entries nrowsmax = 200 # filename for staff fname_staff = staff_iate_iate.csv # load from file ("file") or download from ADS ("ads") data_source = file # roots for data filenames fname_pub_auth_all = pub_auth_all fname_pub_auth_top = pub_auth_top fname_pub_inst_all = pub_inst_all fname_pub_inst_top = pub_inst_top fname_pub = pub The selection of authors by affiliation keywords or keyphrases is made with a number of strings in the ``keys`` section:: # _____________________________________________________ [keys] # KEY STRINGS FOR AFFILIATION FILTERING # add as many strins as needed, but use a different index (aff1, aff2, ...) aff1 = IATE aff2 = Córdoba aff3 = Laprida 854 aff4 = X5000BGR aff5 = Universidad Nacional de Córdoba aff6 = Instituto de Astronomía Teórica y Experimental Finally, some flags for the behavior of the standard output:: # _____________________________________________________ [UX] # USER EXPERIENCE # Show progress bars # options: Y/N show_progress = y # Show messages for partial computations # options: Y/N verbose = y # Return objects (N: only write to files) # options: Y/N interactive = n